What Does The Term "cold Calling" Mean?

What Does The Term "cold Calling" Mean?
What Does The Term "cold Calling" Mean?

Active sales by phone - today you will not surprise anyone with this. The secretary of each organization is familiar with calls from different companies offering various products or services that are needed or not.

What does the term mean
What does the term mean

Calls and sales

Conventionally, all attempts to sell something over the phone are divided into two categories: "cold" and "hot" calls. "Hot" calls are calls to clients from our own database. These are people and organizations with whom you have already worked, that is, contact is established, and you simply offer them new services and products or notify them about your promotions.

Cold calling is an attempt to find new clients. These are initial phone calls to those people and organizations who have never worked with you, during the conversation you can introduce yourself and make your commercial offer.

Why are these calls called cold calls? Nobody knows for sure, but it can be assumed that the matter is in how the potential client reacts to the manager's call: usually the reaction is rather cold. Old customers are more friendly to calls, because if they have already used your services and are satisfied, then they probably would not mind continuing to cooperate.

Why Cold Calls Are So Cold

Firstly, if an organization operates in a large city and has existed for several years, then there are a lot of such calls per day. Even if you are offering something worthwhile, imagine what it would be like for a person to listen to different suggestions several times a day!

Second, it's not often that cold calling managers actually offer something worthwhile. Companies often have certain needs, but they usually try to solve them as quickly as possible. What is the probability that the manager will make a "cold" call at the very moment when the client has a need for his service or product? Of course, not 100%.

Third, it takes time for a manager to make his selling proposition. And if there are a lot of such calls a day, then imagine how much it takes to listen to someone's offer, and then politely refuse.

Effective cold calling

If you want your cold calling clients to be truly effective, there is some strategy to follow.

To make a competent call, do some preliminary preparation. By figuring out the size and specifics of the prospective client's business, you will understand a lot about whether he needs your product. And the awareness that you demonstrate in a short telephone conversation will break the ice that will be present even before the person picks up the phone.

Don't set yourself the goal of calling as many customers as possible in a working day. It is better to choose fewer companies, but those that are really your potential customers. This will have a much greater effect.
