Every business creator faces the challenge of hiring the right employees. As a rule, he has never done this before, but he knows that he needs to hire the best people and, most likely, demanding a salary not higher than the average, because the business has just "got on its feet." Some resort to the services of recruiting agencies, but these services are expensive, and the result is not always justified. Someone is trying to find staff on the recommendation of friends. Usually this is a perfectly acceptable option, but not everyone has friends who can recommend this or that employee. Therefore, you often have to act independently - through job search sites and employees. Knowing certain hiring rules, you can put together a team of quite successful professionals.

Step 1
If you do hire professionals, then you shouldn't rely on them entirely. Work with the candidate for you and others in your company, so it's important to interview the new person in person. It also happens that a seemingly suitable candidate dislikes you. You should not hire such a person, as it can be difficult with him.
Step 2
It is important to understand why the candidate is leaving their previous job. This will allow you to understand what his motivation is. The reasons for leaving may be different, about some he may not want to talk about and just give some standard reason. You should not play as an interrogator and try with all your might to find out what happened at his last place of work (after all, even if he was "asked" to leave, it does not mean that the candidate is knowingly "failed"). However, it should be borne in mind that his professional biography may not be perfect.
Step 3
During the interview, do not focus on professional surveys, it is better to offer the candidate a test in his specialty. When speaking verbally, it is more important to identify his personal qualities. It is worth asking him about the strengths and weaknesses, the last completed projects. A question about failed projects will also come up, they probably exist, because only those who do nothing are not mistaken. While answering, follow the candidate's reaction, this will help to see how flexible, stress-resistant, decisive he is.
Step 4
If the candidate is required to know foreign languages, check them during the oral conversation yourself or involve a person who knows the required foreign languages well. In the resume, the candidate may write that he has good spoken English, but in reality he is able, at best, to explain himself in a cafe, and even then with mistakes! This often happens not from the dishonesty of the candidates, but from the banal ignorance of what this or that level of language proficiency really is.
Step 5
A person works well when he likes the job. Therefore, it is important for each position to hire a candidate who is able to perform official functions not "out of the blue", not because money is needed and someone needs to work, but because he likes this job. For example, you should not hire a girl or a young man with a pronounced focus on creative work as a secretary: it will be difficult for such a person to perform the routine duties of a secretary, as a result, you will be left without a good secretary, and a person in such a job will acquire only an inferiority complex (“I’ll even be a secretary I can not!").