Registration for the position of director of an enterprise has some peculiarities, in contrast to the rules for registration of an ordinary employee of an organization. There can be several founders of a company, or one, who can later become the head of the organization when appointed to the position of director.

It is necessary
computer, director's documents, printer. A4 paper, fountain pen, company seal, employment contract form
Step 1
An ordinary employee of the enterprise, when hiring, writes an application addressed to the head of the enterprise. The director, on the other hand, will not write an application for a request to hire him for himself; accordingly, a protocol is prepared on the appointment of a certain person to the position of the head. If there are several founders of the company, then the protocol is signed by each founder, if the director is the only founder, the director himself signs and appoints himself to the position.
Step 2
An employment contract is drawn up both with an ordinary employee when hiring, and with the head of the enterprise. The surname, first name and patronymic of the director accepted for the position, his passport data, TIN, pension insurance certificate number, registration address and place of residence are entered into the contract. If there are several founders of the company, the chairman of the board of founders has the right to sign on the part of the organization. If the founder and the director are in one person, then, respectively, the right to sign on the part of the organization and the director hired for the position is with him. The seal of the organization is also put.
Step 3
The order on the employment of a director is issued by the founder himself, in one person hired for the position of director, signed by him, and the seal of the enterprise is put. The order, as well as when hiring an ordinary employee, is assigned a date and number.
Step 4
Like all employees of the enterprise, the director needs to make an entry in the work book. The number of the ordinal entry is affixed. The date of hiring is entered. In the third column of the work book, an entry is made on the admission to the position of the director of the organization. The basis is the order of employment or the minutes of the constituent assembly (the sole founder), and often both documents (just in case). Although the indication of one of the documents will be sufficient.