By lending money to good friends or relatives, any person counts on the borrower's honesty and hopes to receive back the transferred funds on time and in full according to the agreement. But life is unpredictable, everything can change in one moment. For example, you urgently need this amount or the debtor's circumstances change and he will not return his debt in due time. In this case, write him a letter demanding the return of the debt.

Step 1
Write a letter in free writing, but keeping to a business style and format, as this letter can be brought up for trial if your demand for debt repayment is not met. In this case, it will become a document testifying to your attempts to resolve the disputed issue amicably in a pre-trial manner. You can also type it on your computer and print it, but be sure to sign it yourself.
Step 2
Design your letter in a business style, according to generally accepted rules.
In the upper right corner of sheet A4, set aside for indicating the initial details, write the last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the place of residence of the addressee. Here also indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and home address in the "from whom" format.
Step 3
Start your letter by addressing the debtor “Dear” by placing it in the center of the sheet at the beginning of a new paragraph. Next, briefly remind of his obligations to you, referring to the concluded loan agreement (if one was drawn up).
Step 4
Describe the circumstances that became the basis for writing the appeal (missed due date or the need for early repayment of the debt). Inform your requirements (debt repayment, interest repayment or renegotiation of the loan agreement).
Step 5
Indicate the term that you give the borrower to meet them. Tell us about your intentions to go to court to protect your interests. Sign and date.
Step 6
Take the letter to the mail and arrange delivery with notification. Do not forget to draw up an inventory so as not to give the debtor the opportunity to refer to the absence of the specified document in the mail. These steps, of course, only matter if you really intend to go to court to resolve the conflict.