If you decide to take a loan from a bank, apply to the embassy for a visa, apply for a subsidy or apply to a pension fund for calculating a pension; then you will need to make a salary certificate.

It is necessary
to know for which organization and in what form you need to make a certificate of salary
Step 1
The salary certificate serves to confirm the place of work, position and the amount of the employee's salary. The salary certificate must contain the following information: the name of the organization, the date of issue, the registration number (each certificate has its own number, which is recorded in a special journal along with information about who and where the certificate was made), the signature of the head, head of the personnel department or the chief accountant. The signature of the chief accountant is required if the salary of the employee is indicated in the salary certificate. Also, on the salary certificate, as on any other document, there must be a seal of the organization that made the certificate.
Step 2
To obtain a salary certificate, you need to contact the HR department or accounting department of the organization in which you work. According to article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to make a salary certificate no later than three working days after the employee's written application is submitted. And also a salary certificate is certified by the employer accordingly and is made free of charge.
Step 3
The amount of information contained in the certificate depends on the place of its purpose. Therefore, in order to receive a salary certificate, it is imperative to indicate the place of its presentation: the embassy, court, OVIR, pension fund, etc. Salary certificates can be of the following forms:
- 2 personal income tax
- according to the form of the bank
- in free form
The type of salary certificate made depends on the requirements of the organization where you will provide this certificate.