For high performance in a particular area, according to a letter of request from the head of the structural unit where the employee works, a certain specialist is presented for the award. One of the necessary documents is the award list, the form of which has a unified form and is approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 580 of 03.06.2010.

It is necessary
documents of the organization, documents of the employee presented for the award, information about the previous awards of the specialist, the seal of the enterprise, a pen, an A3 sheet
Step 1
The document should be filled out on the A3 form sheet, enter the name of the subject of the Federation in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Completely write the name of the state award in accordance with the law.
Step 2
Indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee nominated for this award, in accordance with the identity document, the full name of the organization, the name of the structural unit and the position of the specialist, which must correspond to the position in the employee's work record book.
Step 3
Enter the gender of the employee without abbreviations and quotation marks (male, female), date and place of birth, as well as the address of the place of residence (region, city, town, street, house, building, apartment number) in accordance with the registration in the identity document.
Step 4
Indicate the full name of the educational institution in which this employee studied, the date of the beginning and end of the studies in accordance with the educational document. Enter in the appropriate field the employee's degree, if the employee is engaged in teaching activities, the qualification category of the specialist.
Step 5
If this employee has previously been nominated for state awards, indicate their names and dates of awards. Indicate the general experience of a specialist in this field, write the name of the field, as well as the experience in this organization.
Step 6
In the description indicating the specific merits of the represented specialist for the award, it is necessary to describe the achievements in a particular area, the employee's contribution to the development of the enterprise, participation in research projects, the introduction of innovations, etc. In this paragraph of the award list, awards should be indicated, information about which is not entered in the corresponding paragraph. This will be the conclusion of the specialist's characteristics, the volume of which should be no more than one sheet of A3 format.
Step 7
The award sheet must be signed by the chairman of the collegial body, the director of the organization, indicating their position, surname, initials, certified by the seal of the enterprise. Write down the minutes number and date of discussion when the meeting decided to nominate the employee for the award. Date the award sheet.