Sometimes in life there are situations when our close and dear people, like children, need constant support and help, in legal terms - guardianship. This is a necessary measure to protect the legal rights and interests of people in need of guardianship.

It is necessary
- - a sheet of A4 paper;
- - documents (or their copies) attached to the application (autobiography, job description, medical report, etc.);
- - a pen.
Step 1
Guardianship is issued over a minor child (up to 14 years old) or over a person recognized by the court as legally incompetent. Tough requirements are imposed on a candidate for guardianship, the main of which are: to be an adult and capable citizen, to have the necessary set of personal and moral qualities that allow him to become a guardian. It is advisable to be in kinship with the person over whom the guardianship is being formalized.
Step 2
If you have the desire and ability to be a guardian, then go to your local guardianship department. Pre-collect the necessary package of documents established by law (medical report, certificate of no criminal record, etc.). There, write a statement asking for an opinion on the possibility of becoming a guardian.
Step 3
Please fill out the application carefully. In the upper corner, write the "heading" of the document: to whom (as a rule, this is the local guardianship authority) it is addressed and from whom (surname, name, patronymic of the candidate for guardianship and residence address). Just below write the word "Application", and describe in detail the essence of the request itself, indicate the person you wish to take under guardianship. Be sure to inform the reasons as a result of which this person has lost his legal capacity.
Step 4
At the bottom of the application, write in the necessary attachments, for example: a copy of the court's decision on declaring a person incapacitated, a description from your place of work, recommendations of the guardianship commission, and others. Please sign and date the application below.
Step 5
The guardianship authorities, within a period of not more than one month, will prepare an opinion on the possibility of becoming a guardian or on refusing guardianship. To do this, they carefully examine the personal qualities of people who have expressed a desire to become guardians, their living conditions, their motives and much more. If the guardianship authorities have no claims and reasons for refusal, then the citizen receives an opinion on the right to be a guardian.