The Federation Council of the Russian Federation approved a new bill providing for liability for concealing dual citizenship, one of which is Russian. For failure to notify or late notification, a criminal or administrative fine is imposed on the citizen.

On May 23, 2014, the State Duma amended the law "On Russian Citizenship". The innovations will come into force 60 days after the official publication. As for the Russians living in Crimea, the law will come into effect for them on January 1, 2016.
In accordance with the amendments, now every Russian citizen who has dual citizenship (the right to permanently reside in another state) is obliged to notify the Federal Migration Service within two months from the time of acquiring a second citizenship. You can report by means of a written notice, either in person or by mail. You will also have to inform the FMS about the presence of a second citizenship for minor children.
The following information is indicated in the notification of the second citizenship:
1. Surname, name, patronymic
2. Date and place of birth
3. Place of residence / place of stay / place of actual location
4. Series and number of Russian passport
5. The name of another citizenship; series, number and date of issue of a document confirming that a Russian has a different citizenship, the right to permanently live in a different state;
6. Date and basis for acquiring another citizenship / obtaining a document for the right to permanently live in another state
7. Information about the extension of the validity period of the document for the right to permanently live in another state or the receipt of a new document about it;
8. Information about the application for renunciation of another citizenship or a document giving the right to permanently live in another state.
Copies of Russian and foreign passports (or a document giving the right to permanently live in another country) must be attached to the notification. The form and procedure for submitting notifications will be determined by the FMS, the rules for accounting for those who submitted notifications - by the government.
For failure to comply with this law, there are two types of liability - criminal and administrative.
Failure to notify the FMS of the existence of dual citizenship, a criminal fine of up to RUB 200,000 is imposed on the citizen. or in the amount of total annual earnings. Also, the monetary penalty can be replaced by the performance of compulsory works for a period of up to 400 hours.
For untimely notification or notification with deliberately false information, an administrative penalty is imposed in the amount of 500 rubles. up to 1000 rubles
The introduction of a criminal punishment is explained by the deputies by the fact that it should induce citizens to more effectively implement the law than the administrative one.
The exception applies only to those Russian citizens who permanently reside outside the Russian Federation, have another citizenship or residence permit, as well as any other document that can confirm their right to permanent residence in a particular state.
For reference, in 2006 amendments were made to the law, according to which it is prohibited to have dual citizenship for state and municipal officials, as well as the President of Russia.