TIN or individual taxpayer number is assigned to each citizen of the Russian Federation at the beginning of his career. You can find the TIN of a person using a special online service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (FTS RF).

Step 1
Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation https://service.nalog.ru and follow the link "Accounting for individuals" by clicking on the heading "Find out the TIN". This page is intended to search for TIN by passport and other data, however, it is intended to be used mainly by the citizen himself to find out his own number. In this case, you must go through the procedure for obtaining a TIN in advance, otherwise the system will be useless for you.
Step 2
Specify carefully in the fields provided your passport data, including name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, series and number of the passport, as well as the place of registration. Enter the security number in the picture to confirm the execution of the request by you personally. In a few seconds you will see your TIN on the screen.
Step 3
Follow the link https://service.nalog.ru/zpufl/ if you have not yet received an individual taxpayer number, and then study the information on how to do this. You can register for tax registration in person by visiting the tax authority at your place of residence, as well as by sending a registered letter to the specified postal or e-mail address. If you already have a TIN, but the system does not display the desired result, most likely too little time has passed after receiving the number, and it has not yet been entered into the electronic database. Wait a few days and then try again.
Step 4
Try to find out the TIN of another individual or legal entity using this service. In this case, there are some restrictions: you will not be able to find out the necessary information without having the passport data of an unauthorized person. If you have entered the necessary data, the system will only inform you whether the specified person has a TIN. To find out the full number, you need to independently visit the tax office at your place of residence with your passport, a copy of the passport of an individual, a document certifying the authority of a representative, as well as a paid receipt, the cost of which is 100 rubles.