A headline for an article is like a hat for a beautiful woman. Without it, nowhere. Especially the copywriter. A good headline demonstrates your creativity and attracts customers and readers alike.

Step 1
Don't fool the reader! The title should accurately reflect the essence of the article. Otherwise, you will slide down to the yellow press level. At the same time, the headline should arouse interest and desire to read what it is entitled to.
Step 2
Use creativity. Creative headings are headings that are based on “playing around” various meanings, phraseological units, and well-established expressions. For example, the article "Combustible Tears" can talk about fuels and lubricants, "Another PiraMMMida" - about financial pyramids.
Step 3
Start your headline with "catchy phrases." There are quite a few of them, for example, such as: "How I did …", "How easy it is to do …", "How quickly …", "How simple …". You can start with numbers: "5 secrets …", "10 ways …". Debunk myths: "10 myths about …", "What sellers are silent about," etc.
Step 4
Make your headline as long as you need it. Don't be afraid if it comes out too long. If you cannot reduce without losing meaning, then there is no need to reduce.
Step 5
Try to avoid foreign-language or difficult-to-understand words in your headlines. The reader should clearly understand what is at stake. An exception if your article explains a phenomenon, for example: "Downshifting in Russian: what is it?"