Creating a visited Vkontakte public is a great way to make money. The group can bring at least 10 thousand rubles per day. But it is important to correctly determine the topic in advance in order to enter the top 10 and recruit the maximum number of participants. There are several parameters to watch out for. Topics for Vkontakte groups should be interesting, but not too popular, so that the number of competitors does not exceed 200 people.

Step 1
To make money on the Vkontakte group, you need to actively promote. According to statistics, the first income in general groups appears when the number of participants is at least 50 thousand people. In more specialized associations - from 20 thousand. And not all groups will be able to attract people, attendance depends on the choice of topic.
Step 2
Popular topics for Vkontakte groups. In 2013, groups with quotes and jokes were relevant. They were gaining an audience of a million people in a matter of months. But today there are too many of them. It is almost impossible to enter the top ten, which means that it is worth leaving the attempts to compete. If the TOP-10 includes only millionaires, this topic is not relevant for beginners.

Step 3
Related topics. It is convenient to combine several directions at once in the group theme. Of course, they should not contradict each other. For example, esotericism can be combined with psychology. Using two topics in the title will help you reach the top for two queries. And now the search gives out such public pages in good positions, although a couple of years ago they were always lower than the thematic groups. Cooking is good complete with home improvement tricks, handicrafts with gardening, and more.

Step 4
Narrow subject. The narrower the niche is chosen, the fewer competitors there will be. The number of rivals can be easily determined by entering the name into the search. For example, "separate food" is a total of 84 groups. And the leader has a little less than 11 thousand participants. It won't be difficult to get around it in a couple of months. Interesting recipes will help to make the public entertaining for both readers and advertisers.

Step 5
Target topics for Vkontakte groups. Nowadays advertisers know that it is more effective to place posts not in large audiences, but in specialized ones. They will give more results, bring the right customers. For example, it is better to advertise parts for a Nissan car in communities dedicated to that car, rather than in groups that are dedicated to cars in general. That is why it is worth considering who your potential customers are. Knowing them, understanding their needs, you can make a high-quality public, and its income will be much higher than that of millionaires, even with 100 thousand subscribers.

Step 6
Groups of fans of TV series and programs. Every month new series or programs appear in the world. And they will be discussed and watched. And communities dedicated to them will quickly rise in search. For example, 2 weeks ago a new series was released - Heartbeat. He was translated into Russian in different ways - heartbeat or heartbreak. And immediately after the premiere, the first groups appeared. Today they are not too big, but in a couple of months the number of subscribers will grow significantly. But you can create groups in advance, because it is easy to find out about the premieres for many months.

Step 7
Regional themes for social networks. A couple of years ago, groups of cities developed very quickly. They are relevant to advertisers who operate in a specific region. But today there are many of them, so a lot of effort is required for development. But here you can play with the themes: love in such and such a city, acquaintances there, a flea market in a settlement, promotions and discounts in the city of N. Of course, in order to attract people, you will have to look for useful content. But then there will be a lot of potential advertisers in the future.

Step 8
Interesting topics for Vkontakte groups. Finding a topic is just the beginning of the journey. If you focus only on profit, chances are that the process will quickly get bored.95% of all public pages do not generate income, since admins are tired of promoting, the topic ceases to interest them. Therefore, you need to find something that will really be relevant, fresh and entertaining for the creator, and then in 3-6 months the first profit will definitely appear.