Currently, any citizen of the Russian Federation who meets the requirements of the law can become a juror. The activity of jury courts is important and responsible, but there are cases when, for one reason or another, participation in a court as a assessor is undesirable for a citizen. How to refuse to fulfill the obligation to be a juror without violating the law?

It is necessary
Federal Law "On jurors of federal courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation" No. 113-FZ
Step 1
If you receive notice that you have been selected as a candidate for the jury, do not rush to look for reasons for refusal. The fulfillment of this civic duty is honorable and does not fall to every member of society. In addition, participating in court cases can enrich your life experience and may be useful in the future.
Step 2
If serving as a juror does not fit into your plans in any way, consider legal opportunities to evade such duties. There are several legal grounds for this.
Step 3
First, determine the body to which you need to apply with a request to remove you from the list of candidates, focusing on a time criterion. Within two weeks after receiving the notification, this will be a municipal administrative body, and within seven days after the publication of the list of candidates, you will need to contact the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Step 4
When making a self-challenge, motivate it with one of the following legal grounds, for example, the fact that you do not speak the language in which the proceedings are conducted; you are over 65 years old; you hold a public office, do military service, work in law enforcement agencies.
Poor health may also be a motive for refusing to operate a court (this fact must be confirmed by a certificate from a medical institution). If you work as a notary, private detective, lawyer, or have the ordination of a clergyman, then also indicate this in the application as a basis for self-rejection.
The judge will also not have the right to include you on the jury if you are suspected of committing a crime or are being prosecuted in a criminal case. A documented mental disorder also renders your candidacy unfit for trial.
Step 5
If none of the listed legal grounds suits your situation, try to cite your personal interest in a certain outcome of the court case as a basis for self-recusal. The possibility of bias on the part of the future juror can be assessed by the court as a strong basis for accepting your recusement.