During the consideration of criminal and civil cases, the participants in the process often have to turn to the court with various kinds of petitions. One of the most common types of such statements is a request to postpone the consideration of a case. A written request made according to certain rules to an official to perform certain actions is called a petition.

Most often, petitions are used when considering cases of administrative offenses. According to the law, a written application is compulsorily considered by an official, after which an appropriate ruling is made on it. There can be two solutions: refusal to satisfy the petition or its satisfaction. In the event that the determination contains a refusal to satisfy the request, such a decision must be motivated.
A prerequisite for drawing up an application is its written form. Such a request is made in the name of the person in charge of the material in question. The law presupposes that the petition must be considered immediately with a decision in the form of a ruling by the court or the body in charge of the case.
The circumstances that gave rise to the filing of the petition may be very different: about familiarization with the case materials, about a reasoned postponement of the hearings, about the termination of the to the case materials, new documents and evidence in the case, etc.
There is a standard application form. The document indicates the judge or other official in whose name the petition is submitted, your surname and initials are affixed, and the place of residence is indicated. Under the heading “request”, the essence of the request should be briefly and clearly stated, indicating the fact of the violation to which the proceedings are devoted. If necessary, documents are attached to the application, for example, proving the validity of the reasons for postponing the meeting.
Citizens can submit a petition before the start of the consideration of the case by the court. In this case, the judge, preparing for the consideration, certainly clarifies the issue of the availability of petitions and makes a decision on their satisfaction or refusal. The law allows you to make written requests and during the course of the case.