The purpose of drawing up an agreement on the division of property is to divide the property acquired by living together in a marriage into two personal properties. The document is a civil law transaction executed in a free written form.

- - the passport;
- - documents on ownership of all types of jointly acquired property;
- - Marriage certificate;
- - information about jointly acquired property.
Step 1
Step 1: Under the heading "Agreement", indicate the place and date of its drafting. Just below write the surnames, names and patronymics of the parties to the agreement. Indicate the date of registration of the marriage and the number of the deed entry registered in the marriage certificate.
Step 2
Step 2: In the first clause of the agreement, describe all joint property. For example, indicate the address of the apartment, the number of rooms, the area, the number of the certificate of ownership. If a car was purchased during the marriage, indicate its model, registration number, body number, year of manufacture and registration certificate number. If there is a land plot, indicate its address, area, property certificate number. For securities, indicate their quantity and price. When sectioning a foreign currency deposit, indicate its amount and agreement number. List all of the precious items available.
Step 3
Step 3: In the second clause of the agreement, indicate which of the objects after the division of property will belong only to the spouse, and which will only be owned by the spouse.
Step 4
Step 4: In the third paragraph, write that all the property you have listed is not encumbered with any obligations. Not under arrest and not mortgaged. In paragraph four, indicate the date on which this agreement will come into effect. In the fifth paragraph, describe the rights and obligations of the parties.
Step 5
Step 5: To complete the drafting of the agreement, indicate the addresses and details of the parties. That is, the surnames, names and patronymics of the spouses, addresses of actual residence, their passport data and signatures.