In Russia, the consumer basket goes far ahead of the minimum wage, which forces some citizens to look for additional earnings in order to make ends meet. But earning extra money is a double-edged sword.

The expediency of additional earnings can be viewed from two positions - improving the financial situation of the subject and the practical benefit to society.
Additional income as a replenishment of the family budget
In modern society, since the time of perestroika, there has been a tendency towards social and material stratification of society. The desire to equalize the standard of living forces people to turn to additional earnings. Although for people of some specialties, additional income is the only way to make ends meet.
It is possible to live on the earnings of a teacher or a doctor, but very modestly. It is impossible to live off the salary of a kindergarten assistant teacher. Librarians, so at the beginning of the last century, Academician Likhachev called "the last saints in Russia" because of their practically free labor.
For such families, additional income is a blessing on the one hand. But on the other hand, the second job takes time that could be used for family communication, cultural recreation.
In addition, human capabilities of a person have limits, and constant physical fatigue can lead to a deterioration in human health.
Additional income as a contribution to the development of society
Whoever a person works for, ultimately he creates some kind of products or offers services. The quality of a product or service largely depends on the effort invested.
Example 1. What efforts can be made by a taxi driver who, having worked a shift at a plant, goes to “bomb” in order to get an extra penny for his family? In this case, additional income can turn into a human tragedy.
Example 2. Low earnings at school are compensated as much as possible by additional workload, but there is a limit to everything. With the norm of 18 hours, the teacher cannot take more than two rates, but this amount is not enough for a normal existence. As a result, the teacher is forced to engage in tutoring, making the main efforts to provide quality services to paid students. There is no energy or time left to prepare for lessons at the main place of work. In this case, additional earnings are gradually transformed into permanent earnings, which in turn leads to a decrease in the quality of public education.
There are many examples, but one conclusion can be drawn. Earning extra money is evil. Each person must do his main job with high quality, and receive payment for it that can meet the needs, and not only physiological ones. But this question is in the competence of the employer. In the case of budgetary organizations, one has to rely only on the state.