The number of professions that in the days of the youth of great-grandmothers were considered "permissible" for women was quite small. But now, thanks to a long struggle for equality, women are engaged in such work, which from time immemorial was considered a purely male prerogative. But is it always good, what professions are especially harmful for women's health?

Sportswoman. Professional sports are unthinkable without colossal physical exertion. And over the years they all grow! In order to remain in the elite, to claim high bonuses and awards, athletes work hard, subjecting themselves to great stress. This is very harmful for the female body, especially for reproductive function.
The teacher. The need to speak for several hours a day leads to overstrain of the vocal cords, to the desiccation of the back wall of the palate, and thanks to this, you can easily get sore throat. The need to remain calm, "to control myself." All this does not pass without leaving a trace.
Actress. Very few people think about the "wrong side" of such a seemingly brilliant profession. First of all, this is a lack of confidence in the future, complete instability. For one popular "star" there are dozens of statisticians who do not know whether they will be offered any role in the foreseeable future or not. Intrigue, stress, envy follow from this. Is it any wonder that alcoholism is highly developed in the artistic environment?
Doctor. This noble profession is also very unhealthy! First, it is necessary to regularly contact sick people, because they can be carriers of dangerous diseases. Secondly, from morning till night you have to be a witness of someone else's grief, despair, pain, sometimes "passing" it all through your own heart. Thirdly, there are quite frequent cases of violent conflicts with relatives of sick people (especially with a neglected, serious illness, when the patient cannot be cured). Fourthly, the fear of making a wrong diagnosis, of making a mistake.
Waitress. She has to spin all day, just like a squirrel in a wheel. And the dress code of serious restaurants implies high-heeled shoes, and as a result, the likelihood of developing varicose veins and swelling of the legs. In addition, smoking is prohibited in only a few catering establishments, and therefore the waitress has to inhale tobacco smoke for several hours a day. And the constant stress due to contacts with "overdone" clients is a common thing. All this obviously does not add any health benefits!