On hot summer days, it is quite difficult to activate the brain, which in turn negatively affects the work. There are some simple ways to set yourself up for productive work.

Some psychotherapists believe that color and aromatherapy can help you focus. You just need to put a bunch of mint or basil in your workplace. The smell of these plants perfectly stimulates the brain, helps to improve memory. Alternatively, you can place a bowl of fresh fruit on the table.
Water procedures will also be useful, they also help to concentrate. Ideally, it is best to shower 3-4 times a day. If this is not possible, you can buy thermal water at the nearest pharmacy, which can be used even in the office.
You should not constantly think about the past vacation or dream about the upcoming one. Psychotherapist Konstantin Olkhovoy believes that if you think about the past or the future, people deprive themselves of the present. Don't think that vacation is the only way to relax. After all, there are days off that can and should be spent wisely. Do not lie in front of the TV or sit at the computer. Get together with friends, go to nature, the beach, you can even just walk more in the park. You can also do this after a working day. When you walk home, you will enjoy the greenery, and green helps to relieve fatigue. You also need to keep your body in good shape - go in for sports, do exercises in the morning, take a contrast shower.
Try to find advantages in your work, think about what it gives you, or rather set yourself a task, for example, make money on a thing that you have long wanted to buy. Organize your working time correctly, take regular breaks, especially if you have monotonous work. Communicate more with colleagues, because a trusting warm relationship contributes to the desire to go to work and good infusion. And most importantly, after the end of the working day, do not resolve any work issues.