Working in the summer without a vacation is hard. But you can diversify your life during this period. And then the three summer working months will be easy. And in some cases they will even be remembered better than any trip to exotic countries.

Step 1
Start small. Set a summer photo on your desktop. The image may contain waterfalls, seashore. In general, there is enough imagination for that.
Step 2
Take coffee breaks with your coworkers in the shared kitchen. This will help distract yourself from negative thoughts and lift your mood.
Step 3
Buy yourself a bright accessory. At least a red scarf. In this situation, shopping and color therapy help at the same time.
Step 4
Relax with your friends. A picnic, a park, going to the cinema through a change of scenery will help to relieve the burden of fatigue and distract from pressing problems.
Step 5
Do only current work within the walls of the office. All the blockages and rush jobs will wait. You should not overload yourself for physiological reasons. Hot weather puts a serious strain on the body. Therefore, psychological overstrain is definitely useless here.