The procedure for drawing up an employment contract is specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, article 57. This document is drawn up in two copies and is a bilateral agreement between the employee and the employer. It specifies in detail all working conditions, payment procedures and the driver's job functions. Additional items may be added depending on special conditions.

- -specify all working conditions
- -recreation
- -responsibilities of the employer
- - the responsibilities of the driver
- -social guarantees
- -responsibility for entrusted property
- - wages
- -payment of weekends, holidays
- -vacation
- -number of vacation days
Step 1
At the beginning of the employment contract, indicate the full name of the organization, the full name of the person in charge, most often the general director of the enterprise, the full name of the driver is indicated.
Step 2
Next comes the subject of the agreement and the general provisions of the agreement. In general terms, indicate the name of the structural unit to which the employee is accepted, the position and, depending on the relationship, whether it is the main job or part-time job.
Step 3
If the agreement is urgent, this must be reflected in the contract and indicate the date of commencement of the employment relationship and the date of its termination. If the contract is concluded for an indefinite period, then it is indicated - indefinite.
Step 4
Indicate the period of the probationary period. Its duration cannot be more than three months. In the main provisions, the category of driver's rights is recorded, and to whom the driver will report directly.
Step 5
In the paragraph of rights and obligations, indicate all sub-paragraphs of the main provisions. It describes in detail all working conditions, guarantee of payment of wages, provision of rest, weekends, vacations. Also, the employer must guarantee payment for training and retraining in case of production need. The driver's rights to protection from trade union organizations, timely resolution of disputes and conflicts and all guarantees that are established by the Labor Code and Federal Laws.
Step 6
In the paragraph of the employee's duties, describe in detail the main job duties, provide for the driver's responsibility for the entrusted property, its safety and the timely delivery of goods or other goods. If the driver has the functions of a freight forwarder, indicate what duties and responsibilities are assigned to him. Additionally, you need to put an item on the non-use of alcohol and psychotropic drugs a day before the trip. You also need to make a point about warning the inspector about all the problems and incidents that have arisen.
Step 7
In a separate line, enter the conditions for repairing the car, providing it with all the necessary fluids, oils and checking them in a timely manner. Parking place of the car, conditions for sending it to the parking lot. Caring for the safety of the car and compliance with all traffic rules.
Step 8
Completely describe the hours of work and rest, payment on weekends and holidays, the amount of the tariff rate or salary, the procedure for incentives and bonuses. If the working day is irregular, this must be indicated in the employment contract. In case of irregular days, the right to additional paid leave is granted, which must be indicated in the employment contract.
Step 9
An employment contract is signed by both parties. One copy remains with the employer, the second is given to the driver. It is impossible to make changes and additions to this document unilaterally. About all changes, you need to notify the employee in advance and draw up an additional agreement to the main contract.