A job description is an essential part of a job posting. It should give a potential applicant for a free position an idea how this work is suitable for him and whether it makes sense for him to direct his hail. For you, a detailed description of work on the proposed position is a way to cut off some of the obviously unsuitable applicants.

- - computer;
- - access to the Internet;
- - corporate documentation.
Step 1
Among the first questions that arise before a person who is looking for a job is who, in fact, is a potential employer? So it would not be superfluous to say at least a few words about the company itself: whether it is large or small, Russian or with the participation of foreigners, what it does. For example, you can say in the first sentences that a “large trade and production holding” is looking for an employee or, say, "Well-known international IT-corporation". Well, or "small business". Try to highlight your strengths in this short introduction. If the company is a leader in something, be sure to indicate that fact.
Step 2
Then you can move on to whoever is needed. After phrasing in the spirit of “looking for,” “inviting to work,” “required,” “vacancy is open,” or otherwise, precisely formulate the name of the position. It is desirable in the same way as it will be recorded in the work book and contract.
Step 3
Now you need to move on to deciphering the terms of reference. Sample employment contracts for a vacant position (if they have a relevant section), job descriptions and other corporate documents containing the necessary information will serve as a good cheat sheet. Do not forget to mention other important components: in the office or remote, full-time or with part-time employment, are business trips, etc.
Step 4
Then you can move on to what you would like to see a successful candidate: requirements for work experience, education, knowledge, skills and knowledge, language skills, having a driver's license, if relevant for a vacant position, professional and personal qualities.
Step 5
Well, then it is logical to tell the candidate what he will have for all this. It all depends on the policy of the company. Many are willing to discuss future income only with a known successful candidate, and experience has shown that this approach reduces interest in a vacancy while increasing the number of notoriously inappropriate resumes. However, you can hint that the reward is decent. For example, indicate that the conditions are not worse, and if relevant, even better than the market average. If there is a solid social package, be sure to report it.
Step 6
So, as a result, we have a complete description of the proposed work. It reveals all the nuances most interesting to candidates. And ideally, it should cut off those for whom the proposed vacancy is obviously not suitable. Do not forget to indicate the contact details. Without them, it will turn out that they tried in vain.