In the event that your salary is not paid on time, write an application and a complaint to the state authorities. All employees who have not received the funds on time are eligible to apply. Let's consider some of the ways by which you can return the money you earned on your own or by resorting to the help of third parties.

Step 1
The most obvious solution is to contact one of the companies specializing in debt collection for the benefit of individuals. Such companies are guided by the principles of confidentiality and professionalism. They attach great importance to the business reputation of clients and treat their interests with respect.
Step 2
These companies will offer you a range of services to get your wages back to you. They are:
- conduct the pre-trial stage of debt recovery (send claims to the debtor, conduct telephone conversations, correspondence, personal meetings);
- represent your interests in the bailiff service, judicial authorities and other organizations of our country;
- carry out the stages of enforcement proceedings until the debtor executes the court order;
- apply various technologies to collect debts;
- if necessary, they will find the debtor;
- represent your interests in bankruptcy proceedings of a debtor in the country.
Step 3
If the next day after your dismissal, you have not paid off, contact the court, the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor. Take a copy of your dismissal order, attach your work record book to it, and then write a statement to any of the indicated departments. You will not only be paid the calculation in full, but also a penalty will be paid for each day of delay. Even if you worked in the company unofficially, you do not have a mark in your work book and a resignation order, contact these bodies with a statement. Moreover, the employer will also receive a fine for not officially formalized and illegal employment of labor. Such bodies should be contacted no later than one month from the date of dismissal.
Step 4
The minimum wage in the country today is four thousand six hundred rubles. The average salary depends on the region. If your salary has been cut without reducing your working day or job responsibilities, write a statement to the above structures.