There can be many reasons to change jobs: you are not satisfied with your salary, the job has become boring and uninteresting, you have stopped developing, you quarreled with the management, etc. However, changing jobs is not easy, because you don't know how long it will take you to find the best job, and any such change is quite stressful. How to change jobs with minimum nerve costs and maximum benefit?

Step 1
Start looking for new work while you are still working on the old one. Even if work in the old place is unbearable, do not leave until you get a job in another place: it is not a fact that even a very good specialist will be able to quickly find what suits him. It seems that there are many vacancies, but not all are worthy, and not all are right for you.
Step 2
Before you update your resume on job search sites, try to formulate for yourself what exactly does not suit you in the old place. What functions do you no longer want to perform? What new things do you want to bring to your work? If you are unsure about this, you can choose the same place as before, and even if the working conditions are better, you will soon become uninteresting to work.
Step 3
Update your resume. Make it as attractive as possible for the employer: describe everything you learned in the old place, write down your priorities and expectations in a separate column, i.e. what you formulate for yourself as important in your new job. This will demonstrate how serious you are about building your career and will look very positive in the eyes of company leaders.
Step 4
Start sending your resume for the vacancies you are interested in and go for interviews. You have nowhere to rush: you have not left your old job yet, you are getting a stable salary. Perhaps it does not suit you, but you have something to live on, and you will not rush to change jobs at any cost. This way, you can take your time to find the job that really suits you.
Step 5
Combining work and interviews is not always easy, but it is also not as difficult as it seems. Companies have different working hours, for example, if you work from 9 to 18, and the company where you are invited for an interview is from 10 to 19, you can arrange an evening interview, for example, at 6.30 pm.
Step 6
Quite tricky for many is the question asked in almost all interviews: why are you quitting work? The best answer is the lack of prospects for development. However, if you honestly say that you are not satisfied with the salary, it will not be a "failure" of the interview: this is also easy to understand. Just do not make the "monetary" reason the main one, it is imperative to say about other reasons, for example, about monotony of work, narrowness of functionality, etc. Do not talk about conflicts with the leadership, as this can lead to the fact that you will be perceived as a disloyal person.