A job order is drawn up on the basis of a job application and an employment contract. To issue an order, the unified form N T-1 is used - for one employee, form N T-1a - for a group of employees. The order is drawn up by the person responsible for the reception of employees. It is printed in one copy. The seal of the organization is not put.

- - Application for a job;
- - labor contract.
Step 1
In the order, indicate the name of the organization, document number, date of preparation.
Step 2
When filling out the order form, indicate the position (specialty) for which the employee is accepted. Probationary period, conditions of employment and the nature of the upcoming work (part-time, in the order of transfer, to replace a temporarily absent employee, to perform a certain job, to the main one).
Step 3
Also include salary and allowances, if any. At the bottom of the order, indicate the number and date of the employment contract.
Step 4
The order is signed by the head of the organization with a full decryption of the signature. The employee also signs the order and puts a date underneath it. The order remains with the employer.