Many, even not very large enterprises have subdivisions or departments in their structure, whose employees perform certain functions of the same type, while solving the task facing this subdivision. Department Regulations - a local normative act, which sets out the functions, rights and obligations of this particular department and its employees.

Step 1
The regulations on the department regulate its daily work and determine the procedure for assessing, monitoring and accepting its results, as well as the responsibility of the employees of this department. The basis for the regulation on the department is a standard document regulating the work of such services in this particular industry. As a rule, a regulation is developed by the head of a structural unit or a group of its specialists, agreed with the accounting department, lawyers and personnel officers, and approved by the head of the enterprise.
Step 2
Draw up the regulations on the department in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003. For the title page, use the form of your company, which should reflect not only the full name of your organization, but also, if available, the name of the parent. Also write on it the name of the structural unit, the registration number of the document, the stamps of approval and approval, the title of the document.
Step 3
Think over the main sections that should be reflected in the structure of this document. Usually, it provides general provisions, lists the tasks and functions of the department, the rights and obligations of employees. The text should be completed with concluding, generalizing provisions.
Step 4
In general terms, reflect the status of the unit, its subordination and place in the general structure of the enterprise. It should spell out the procedure for the appointment and removal of the head, his replacement during illness and vacation. Here, list the procedure for the admission and dismissal of employees.
Step 5
List the content of the tasks facing the department, formulate the main directions of its activities. In the function section, describe in detail the activities of the department, areas of responsibility and the degree of independence of the department in making management decisions.
Step 6
Make a list of the rights and responsibilities that must be possessed by the employees of this unit in order to solve the tasks assigned to them.
Step 7
Determine the order of actions of the head of the department and his employees with separate points. List those positions for which the manager is personally responsible and those where the responsibility is collective. It should be differentiated depending on the positions held and, accordingly, on the job responsibilities. Determine the qualification requirements for the managerial position and other positions, in accordance with the staffing table.
Step 8
In conclusion, reflect the order of interaction of this department with other structural divisions of your enterprise and the conditions that ensure its activities - the presence and number of computers, office equipment, telephones, etc.