Recently, the views of the male half of the population on the prestige of some professions have changed. If earlier the military profession was considered especially honorable, now men increasingly give preference to intellectual earnings. In general, the popularity of a profession today is determined by the level of income that it brings. In this regard, a number of the most demanded modern professions can be distinguished.

Step 1
One of the most profitable professions today is the profession of a politician. Having made a successful career in this field, you can earn quite decent money (from 50 to 500 thousand rubles per month). But there is one "but" here: it is extremely difficult to reach certain heights in politics, and only a few succeed. If you are full of strength and determination to succeed in this particular area, you can become an activist of any political party. It is from this step that the career growth of most politicians begins.
Step 2
Marketing manager is another popular profession among men. To succeed in it, you need to master all the specifics of the conclusion of commercial transactions. In addition, the profession of a marketer opens a direct path to commerce, and in the future will help you start your own business.
Step 3
Many men aspire to become IT specialists. This profession is one of the highest paid in the world. Agree that today's life is unthinkable without computers and mobile devices, so there is always work for IT specialists. It is they who are engaged in the development and implementation of new Internet technologies, create software for computers, POS terminals, and ATMs. The most demanded IT specialists are PHP programmers, 1C programmers, HTML developers, etc.
Step 4
The profession of a chef is gaining more and more popularity these days. Working in luxury restaurants, men, as well as women, can generate significant income. To master the profession of a cook perfectly, you need to study at a food technical school or a culinary college.
Step 5
Image stylist is another profession in demand today. Moreover, men master it no less actively than women. The stylist's responsibilities include selecting haircuts, makeup, clothing and accessories for their clients. Creating an image is a laborious process, so the payment for it is quite high. However, it should be borne in mind that such a profession as a stylist will be in demand only in large cities and megalopolises.
Step 6
The following specialties can also be attributed to the category of popular male professions: truck driver, law enforcement officer, firefighter, rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, car mechanic. Some working professions also bring good income (for example, toolmaker, milling turner, CNC machine operator, etc.).