Currently, a fairly large number of students earn money on their own. And this is not surprising, because modern youth likes to have fun, and asking for pocket money from parents is somehow inconvenient. Finding a part-time job for young people will not be difficult, there would be a desire and time!

Step 1
Students can earn a small amount of money using the Internet. To do this, you need to register on one of the content exchanges. On these resources, you can find diverse tasks that even beginners can do. For example, a student can leave comments on forums for money, write reviews, distribute any product through social networks.
Step 2
For those who can write competently and interestingly, there are more complex and at the same time high-paying orders on the exchanges. The student will have to write articles on given topics, including the keys set by the customer in the text. If a student speaks any foreign language, he can earn money by translating texts into Russian. Customers can be found both on stock exchanges and in translation agencies.
Step 3
A student can make money on a file sharing service, for example, by posting his abstracts, term papers. The more often the files uploaded by the student are downloaded, the more he will earn. You can also write work for study to order, but this should only be done if you are well versed in any discipline.
Step 4
You can choose the information business as an income. A student creates a website, fills it with useful and interesting information, and then receives money from affiliate programs, advertising, etc. But in order to attract visitors, it is necessary to constantly write articles that interest readers. You also need to understand what SEO analysis, site monetization, viral advertising, etc. are.
Step 5
A student can make money using his smartphone. Currently, some companies are recruiting freelance agents who, for a small fee, must provide the employer with photographs of shop windows displaying competitors' products. Also, with the help of agents, companies control the sale of their goods. For each completed task, employers are ready to pay from 100 to 300 rubles. In order to start working, you need to install a program on your phone, which can be downloaded from the employer's website. Money is paid either to the phone or to an electronic wallet.