On the balance sheet of any organization there are fixed assets that are not used in its economic activities due to moral or physical deterioration. Their write-off in accounting and tax accounting is carried out in a certain order.

Step 1
Organize an inventory of fixed assets in the enterprise. The inventory should be carried out by a commission appointed by order of the head. Draw up its results by drawing up an act. It contains notes about the objects to be written off due to moral or physical deterioration. The facilities must be inspected by the Commission for the Liquidation of Fixed Assets, which is also appointed by order of the head.
Step 2
Execute an act of writing off fixed assets of form No. OS-4 based on the results of the commission's work. The document must list fixed assets to be disposed of, indicate the reason for disposal, as well as the possibility of using individual units of funds or their parts after dismantling. The act is signed by the members of the liquidation commission and approved by the head of the enterprise.
Step 3
Make the following posting entries in accounting: - Account debit 01, Account credit 01 - the initial cost of the object was written off; - Account 02 debit, Account 01 credit - the amount of accrued depreciation was written off; - Account 91.2 debit, Account credit 01 - the residual value of the fixed asset is included to other expenses; - Debit of account 91.2, Credit 23 (69, 70, other accounts) - costs associated with the write-off of an item of fixed assets are reflected in other expenses.
Step 4
Capitalize assemblies or parts of decommissioned fixed assets after their dismantling to the account of materials at market value. The accounting entry will be as follows: Account debit 10, Account credit 91.1. If a decision is made to hand them over for scrap, then make the following entry in the accounting: Debit account 91.2, Credit account 10 - the cost of the materials handed over has been written off.
Step 5
Write off fixed assets in tax accounting in the same reporting period. Determine the profit or loss from the disposal of fixed assets in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 323 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for each object on the date of recognition of income (expense). When determining the tax base for income tax, include the residual value in other expenses. Income from materials obtained from the dismantling of a fixed asset will be other income of the organization.