Nowadays it is virtually impossible for a young family to buy an apartment for their own money. But there is an option that can significantly help in solving this issue - a state subsidy for the purchase of an apartment under the "Young Family" mortgage program. If the age of the spouses does not exceed the qualification of thirty-five years, the opportunity to receive a subsidy is a long-term business, but it is quite real.

You will need to collect a long list of documents and write an application for a government subsidy
Step 1
A package of documents. First, you need to document that your family can be classified as young. You also need to confirm that you need an improvement in your living conditions. The list of such documents is long enough, it is not difficult to find it. It is best to download it from the website of the local administration or real estate agencies that work with this program.
Step 2
Submit documents to a specialized department of local administration. In this case, you can go in two ways: contact a real estate agency for help or do it yourself. It will be faster if you hand over the documents against a receipt to realtors - they themselves will begin further passing through the instances. If you want to control the whole process yourself, take them to the administration on one's own.
Step 3
First stage. It is the shortest - only about a month. A special commission will review your documents and decide whether you are eligible for a state subsidy or not, namely, whether you are a “young family” with unsatisfactory living conditions. If you are refused, do not try to reapply, they will not be accepted anyway. making a decision in your favor - the second stage of waiting will begin.
Step 4
Second phase. Your family will be included in the queue of the same “young families”. The duration of the second stage depends on the length of the queue and the number of quotas allocated to the district.
Step 5
Purchase of housing. Finally, the wait is over, and it's your turn. You can go to the bank and apply for a mortgage. The whole process of obtaining and applying for a subsidy is quite long and dreary, but you must admit that it is only in early youth that it is romantic to live in a hostel, and raising children in removable corners is also far from fun.