Work in the life of a modern person is one of the first places. From Monday to Friday, millions of people work in production and in offices, and some have to spend at their workplaces and weekends. What makes a person go to work every day, leaving aside other daily activities?

Why do people go to work
Work for the vast majority of people is the only source of livelihood. To gain access to the blessings of life, a person needs to have the means. Food, clothing, household appliances, utility bills, internet access and a wide variety of entertainment all cost money. It is wages that are becoming the main incentive forcing millions of citizens to regularly go to work and perform work duties.
However, material reward is far from the only incentive to work. And today, when the cult of money has reigned in society, there are often those for whom work becomes a way to realize their creative potential, to grow professionally. Awareness of his high professional level and recognition from competent colleagues gives a person weight in his own eyes. For such workers, the moral satisfaction from a job well done is more important than a cash bonus.
There are also those who deliberately choose for themselves a prestigious job, which makes it possible to achieve social success in the eyes of others and make a career. Climbing the steep steps of the career ladder, a person is fully involved in this social game and often gives it all his strength and even free time, sacrificing family and relationships. Earnings also tend to rise as you move up the career ladder.
But more importantly, a person occupies a high position in the social hierarchy, which provides special advantages and gives power over other people.
Is there an alternative to work?
Choosing a profession in their youth, many tend to focus on their interests, natural inclinations and talents. Having received an education, a young specialist is often faced with the fact that his profession is not in demand on the labor market, so it is not always easy to get a job in a specialty. So it is necessary for an engineer or technologist to master a new profession on the fly, which is far from his interests, but capable of guaranteeing a decent income.
Some people become representatives of the liberal professions - freelancers, designers, artists, writers.
Is there any other alternative to being paid for hire? Many people today are looking for other opportunities to earn money, becoming entrepreneurs, trying their hand at investing or trading securities on the stock market. Such sources of income are good in that they give a person a certain degree of independence, freedom and independence from the employer. But all of these activities involve financial risk. Very often you have to meet entrepreneurs who, working for themselves, work hard from morning to evening. Business for them turns into hard work, which does not always guarantee profit.