Both the main employee and a part-time employee can be sent on a business trip. In either case, the employer is obliged to provide a number of guarantees to the posted workers.

So, the employer must keep the employee's place, position and average earnings for the period of a business trip. In addition, the employee is reimbursed for travel expenses.
If an employee falls ill on a business trip and the period of illness is confirmed by a certificate of incapacity for work, the employer is obliged to pay sick leave, reimburse living expenses and pay daily allowance until the employee returns to his place of permanent work.
The procedure and amount of reimbursement of travel expenses to employees of government agencies, as well as organizations that are financed through the state budget, are determined by the regulations of the Russian Federation.
In non-governmental organizations, the reimbursement of travel expenses is fixed in collective agreements or local regulations. Moreover, at such enterprises, a different amount of compensation may be established depending on the position occupied by the posted worker.
Travel expenses borne by the employer also include: travel expenses; living expenses; daily allowance. These costs must be paid in advance prior to the employee's departure on a business trip.