Providing services and searching for customers using the Internet can be a good source of at least additional, and often basic, income for a lawyer. Of course, some types of legal assistance require the personal presence of a lawyer: visiting a client, law enforcement and regulatory authorities, court, etc. However, many legal services can be provided remotely without compromising quality.

- - computer;
- - access to the Internet;
- - own website (business card with a description of services, online portfolio);
- - accounts on various remote work exchanges.
Step 1
Prepare various options for self-presentation for potential customers: resume, portfolio, commercial proposals. Indicate in them the areas of law in which they are competent, the range of services provided, your strengths, the most impressive achievements.
Step 2
Create accounts on various remote work exchanges. Do not limit yourself to one, even if you think it is the most popular. Over time, choose the ones that will give you the most bang for your buck.
Step 3
Pay special attention to your portfolio. The more information it contains that presents you in the most favorable light, the better your chances of finding orders at prices that justify your labor costs. Include examples of documents you have compiled, links to publications or excerpts from them, if available. Be sure to note the positive results that the documents you include in your portfolio have contributed to. For example, a lawsuit was won, a complaint or claim was satisfied, etc.
Step 4
Subscribe to the mailing list of offers according to your profile, if possible, monitor the exchanges for new projects several times a day. Respond actively to orders that interest you.
Step 5
Develop and place in your portfolio on all exchanges a price list for your services. Compare the prices of your services with those of your competitors. Be prepared for outright dumping from some of them, but do not follow their lead. Penny prices from others is a reason not to cut prices, but to think about the arguments in favor of why your services are more expensive. Please note that among serious customers there are many of those who, on the contrary, are too low price, are more likely to be alarmed.
Step 6
Submit your own website on the Internet with a story about yourself as a professional, information about the services and prices provided, portfolio, customer reviews. If they are not there, make sure that they appear as soon as possible: most of the people who have used your services and are satisfied will gladly give you the best recommendations.
Step 7
Place a link to your website in your portfolio on remote work exchanges, professional social networks, in your signature on your account on legal forums, in professional communities. Over time, a good and well-promoted site from an auxiliary customer search tool can turn into the main one.
Step 8
Think about different ways of accepting payment from a customer. It is best if you are able to offer several so that the customer can choose the most convenient one. Their set should include at least a bank account of an individual and electronic wallets in the popular payment systems Webmoney and Yandex. Money. With a sufficient flow of customers, it is also worth considering the option of registering an individual entrepreneur or establishing an LLC.