Does A Paramedic Have The Right To Write Out A Sick Leave

Does A Paramedic Have The Right To Write Out A Sick Leave
Does A Paramedic Have The Right To Write Out A Sick Leave

The article describes in detail in which cases a paramedic has the right to write out a sick leave. The examples show how and what needs to be done so that the sick leave is drawn up correctly and without corrections.

Does a paramedic have the right to write out a sick leave
Does a paramedic have the right to write out a sick leave

Each person at least once in his life went to the clinic or called a doctor at home for himself or his loved ones. Everyone is ill: children, parents, neighbors. But if the grandmothers and grandfathers sitting at the doors of the doctors' offices in the polyclinic want the doctor to determine their ailment and prescribe treatment, give a referral to collect tests, etc., then people of working age go to a medical institution, not only what would be appointed this or that treatment, but a certificate of incapacity for work or, as it is often called, a sick leave was issued.

Why do we need sick leave

The issuance of this document is very important for a working person. The sick leave allows a person to be at home during illness, and is also his justification document before the employer, I rehabilitate the employee for absence from the workplace.

The second no less important factor in issuing a certificate of incapacity for work is that the presentation of this document to the accounting department of the enterprise guarantees a person payment for temporary incapacity for work. That is why such close attention is paid to the correct design of sick leave. It's not a secret for anyone how torment turns out to be for a person errors in writing out a certificate of incapacity for work.

Of course, computerization in this area has brought its advantages. In any case, you no longer have to parse the handwriting and guess which letter is written. But the actual question is: "And who has the right to write out a sick leave?"

The rules for issuing sick leave are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 N 624n (as amended on November 28, 2017) "On approval of the Procedure for issuing a sick leave certificate"

The first and necessary condition for a correctly written sick leave is the availability of a license from the medical institution that issued it.

The order reads: “The certificate of incapacity for work is issued by the medical workers of the indicated persons, including:

attending physicians of medical organizations;

medical assistants and dentists of medical organizations;

attending physicians of clinics of research institutions (institutes), including clinics of research institutions (institutes) of prosthetics or prosthetics”

The list is rather limited and exhaustive. The order does not allow any deviations and discrepancies. And as you can see, there are paramedics on this list.

In what cases does a paramedic have the right to issue a sick leave

Let's take a closer look at this issue in order to fully understand whether a paramedic has the right to write out a sick leave.

So, if a paramedic came to the house when calling a doctor, he will open a sick leave and this will be strictly in accordance with the law. Further, the situation can develop in different ways. The paramedic will prescribe treatment, write out a referral for testing, etc. and tell you when it is necessary to come to the clinic to the local doctor or paramedic. Both do not contradict the law, and depends only on the staffing of the polyclinic's staff with doctors.

But there are situations when a person suddenly became ill, and then they call an ambulance. Ninety percent of ambulance doctors, especially in small towns, are paramedics. The ambulance team will provide first aid and, depending on the condition of the patient or the victim, they either hospitalize him or leave him at home. If the patient is taken to the hospital, then at the end of the treatment he will be given a certificate of incapacity for work by the medical institution where he was treated.

And if the ambulance provided, but did not hospitalize, what to do, how to justify at work for absenteeism.

Remember right away, ambulance paramedics do not issue sick leave certificates. The ambulance provides first aid within its competence, but is not licensed to issue certificates of incapacity for work. Do not be nervous, demanding a "medical team" - it will not change anything.

"Ambulance" - does not issue sick leave. But the team that came to the call, if this happens on holidays and weekends, as well as at night, i.e. when polyclinics do not work, and a person had to go to work, she is obliged to leave the “tear-off coupon” at the first request of the patient. This document is a confirmation of an ambulance call for a doctor, to whom the patient can then turn, and then the doctor or paramedic of the polyclinic will open the sick leave from the day the ambulance was. But this rule applies no more than a day. Let's say a person had to go to work on Sunday from 8 pm, and his temperature rose on Sunday at 5 pm. He calls the ambulance team between 5 pm and 8 pm and, in addition to providing assistance, the paramedic will leave him a “tear-off coupon”. On Monday morning, this person, when contacting the clinic, will present this document to the district doctor or paramedic, and he, on the basis of this document, will open his sick leave not from Monday, but from Sunday. Separately, there is the question of what to do on holidays if a person is sick, and there are still a few days off ahead. After all, many people work on a “rolling schedule”. In this case, you need to show tact and patience. First, of course, call an ambulance and take a tear-off coupon. It is imperative to clarify when the polyclinic begins to work. Usually, even on New Year's holidays, the clinic has a doctor on duty who can be contacted. But if it does turn out that the polyclinic does not work, it is necessary to call an ambulance all the days until the polyclinic opens and take “tear-off coupons”. Only in this case the sick leave will be opened from the moment of illness.

Thus, the question “can a medical assistant issue a sick leave” has a clear answer. Yes, it does, provided that he works in a medical facility that is licensed to issue certificates of incapacity for work and there is a written order from the head physician of this institution allowing this particular paramedic to write out a sick leave.
