According to statistics, about 8% of fathers in the Russian Federation are raising someone else's child. Another 37% of pregnant women do not exclude the possibility that another partner may be the father of the child. If you are in doubt about your paternity in a divorce and your spouse filing a child support claim, you have the right to challenge the court's decision.
- - the passport;
- - certificate of marriage / divorce (original, or copy);
- - birth certificate of the child (original, or copy);
- - documents that can confirm the impossibility of your paternity. It can be various letters, personal data, material evidence, testimony of witnesses, other data (sterile, at the time of the alleged conception were on a business trip, did not have a marriage relationship for other reasons), etc.
Step 1
Contact the registry office, in which the marriage was concluded and dissolved, with the requirement to obtain duplicate certificates: a marriage certificate and its dissolution, a child's birth certificate. You must have a passport with you. Duplicates will be issued to you after payment of the state fee.
Step 2
Pay the state fees for the issuance of duplicate certificates by the registry office and for a lawsuit at the nearest bank branch. Get duplicate certificates at the registry office.
Step 3
No later than ten days after the delivery of the order for the recovery of alimony, file a lawsuit challenging paternity in the court that considered your case, in which you insist on a forensic marriage, the birth of a child. You are waiting for the court and its verdict.