What Are Civil Liberties

What Are Civil Liberties
What Are Civil Liberties

A democratic society guarantees its citizens the observance of their political, economic and personal rights, which in jurisprudence are called civil liberties. Usually, the rights and freedoms of citizens are enshrined in the main law of the country - the constitution, but not always and not everywhere fully observed.

What are civil liberties
What are civil liberties

The essence of civil liberties

The totality of civil liberties in society forms a certain status of the individual, protected by law. This legal category most often includes the right to personal inviolability and freedom, protection of good name and honor, freedom of conscience and speech. This also includes the right to unconditional inviolability of the home and privacy of correspondence. More broadly, civil liberties include the right to work, various types of social security, the right to a fair trial, and the right to judicial protection.

The freedoms of citizens, which are declared in the country's constitution, must guarantee everyone protection from illegal interference by the authorities and law enforcement agencies in their private lives. The introduction of civil liberties aims to restrict the actions of the state, which often run counter to the rights of citizens. Civil liberties are guarded by the judiciary and the head of state, who is the guarantor of the implementation of the provisions of the country's fundamental law.

Civil liberties in the Russian Federation

The Russian state recognizes that civil liberties are in line with internationally accepted norms of international law. Citizen's freedoms operate directly. They completely determine the content and meaning of the laws of the country and are provided with justice.

All citizens of the country are equally equal before the courts and the law. The state takes upon itself the protection of the individual, her life, honor and dignity. Personal integrity and the right to liberty are protected by law. The same applies to privacy and privacy. It is possible to collect and use information about the private life of citizens only with their consent.

The state guarantees to its subjects the inviolability of their home. It is possible to enter a dwelling against the will and desire of persons living there only in cases directly provided for by law, or in the presence of a decision of the judicial authorities.

One of the civil liberties is the ability of a person to independently determine what nationality he belongs to. No one has the right to compel a citizen to determine his or her nationality or indicate it.

The constitution grants people the right to form professional and other associations to protect their interests. Citizens have the right to participate in peaceful demonstrations, rallies, hold meetings, pickets and processions.

Civil liberties also apply to matters related to religion. It is about freedom of conscience and religion. Citizens can profess any religion or adhere to atheistic views. The law does not prohibit a person to freely choose and disseminate their religious or other beliefs, if this does not violate the rights and freedoms of other citizens.
