A lot depends on the beginning of the working day. It is in the first hours of work that the brain is at its peak of activity, then the efficiency begins to decline. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right time to start work.

Step 1
According to many books on personal effectiveness, the best time to get started is early in the morning. For example, Steve Pavlina, a well-known self-development coach, gets up every day at five o'clock in the morning and has time to cope with all the errands before lunchtime. Steven Covey, Robin Sharma, David Allen and others assert almost the same.
Step 2
However, there can be no exact answer to this question, since each person is individual. Some prefer to work in the evenings, others in the morning. It is best to focus on your own well-being and experience. If you know that at five o'clock in the morning your willpower and desire to work will be at the maximum, then it is worth taking this information into service.
Step 3
You can also analyze your own biorhythms. There are many applications on the Internet that can help you determine the ups and downs in various areas of life. If you don't trust them, then just analyze your daily activities. See when you complete the most tasks and when you do the least.
Step 4
The easiest way to apply these guidelines is when working from home. You set the schedule yourself, so you can work in a comfortable environment. It is best to experiment and try to work for 2-3 weeks in the morning, and then the same amount in the evening. Write down the results and draw conclusions.
Step 5
If you work exclusively in the office, then resort to business planning. For example, if at the beginning of a working day you are clearly inferior in efficiency, then carry out some small, insignificant assignments. Then, as you get closer to your peak, start doing more and more challenging tasks.
Step 6
Talk to the management. You may be allowed to come later or earlier, provided that you work all the prescribed hours. If, for example, you work very well at night, then take some of the work home, cutting back on work activities during the main hours.
Step 7
Remember that the new time may seem ineffective to you simply because you are not used to it. Basically, you can work out perfectly at any time of the day if you create a habit. It is not for nothing that in childhood, many were taught to make up a daily routine. When the body does the same activity for several days at the same time, it gets used to it over time and optimizes its work. Therefore, even your current start hour may be the best.