Most organizations have documents stored for decades. To prevent your securities from getting lost or wrinkled, file them in plastic or hardboard folders. Before doing this, be sure to assign its own number to each contract. This will make it easier to find it when needed.

Step 1
To easily find the right contract, make an accounting book. Take a thick squared notebook. Number the first sheet. Give the security a number and write it down in this journal. The number can only consist of numbers, for example 345. Or it can have letters - 123-ID. In addition to it, enter the date when the contract was concluded. The line in the journal should look like this: 1. Contract No. 345-Id dated 2011-23-03. In the notes, indicate the essence of the transaction, if required by the corporate style of documentation.
Step 2
When there is more than one legal entity in the organization, prepare their own contract journal for each. Use conventional symbols for designation. For example, write down the documents of LLC "Three Bears" as 456-TM. And mark the contracts from OJSC "Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood" 876-VKSH. The numbers should go in order in notebooks so that there is no confusion.
Step 3
Even if each division of the company is engaged in the execution and approval of documents, there should be one book for accounting contracts. Otherwise, the document numbers will be repeated, which will cause discord in the company's activities. Instruct the secretary or office manager to keep this journal. Do not give employees a seal or sign with the CEO until an identification number has been assigned to it.