Today, for many, copywriting is an affordable way to earn extra money. Exchanges are full of "visiting cards" of specialists of different levels and directions. If you know how to turn on the computer, then half the battle is already done. With a little imagination and keyboard play, you are among the recruits of the pen. The most persistent and quick-witted can make copywriting their main income. This is especially convenient for women. Just three to four hours of work a day and money in your wallet, and the rest of the time you can devote to home and family. How can this be achieved?

- Start. To get started, register on two or three exchanges. The most "promoted" today are, and Each of these sites has its own regular customers. Therefore, the more you visit different exchanges, the more likely you are to find your employer. For beginners, the site of the site is convenient. There is a special option for performing stock exchange jobs for advanced training. This is a very promising start!
Original handwriting - The second step is to create a portfolio. You can choose several topics (preferably from different areas: tourism, construction, medicine, design, psychology) and write small articles on them to demonstrate your author's style. It is not necessary to quote famous philosophers and writers in your works. The main criterion of the text is readability. The article should be unique and the topic “catchy”. Write about what is interesting and useful to know. By the way, the volume of articles is measured in signs. The concept of "average volume" includes 1500-2000 characters without spaces.
- Self-promotion. You also need to create a "business card". This resembles a resume that is commonly used when looking for a job. It should reflect your education, vital interests, views. The tastier and more creative your self-promotion is, the more likely it is to respond to it.
- First Impression: Did you get your first order? Be careful reading the task (TK). Some customers require the use of "keys" - required phrases or words for the article. You will also have to learn how to work with them. The exchanges have the opportunity to leave reviews about the performer. The more diligently and more responsibly you approach the first assignments, the more positively it will affect your copywriting career.
Free swimming. You can aim even higher - create your own website. There you can advertise about yourself, blog - reasoning on relevant topics and, finally, create your own team of copywriters. In general, become a virtual businessman with real income.
Thus, the success of a copywriter is determined by three factors: the quality of the texts, the responsibility of the artist, and fame. For stable work, it is important to "like" at least three or four customers. Standing orders will allow you to move your income from “additional” status to “main” status.