A few years ago, such names of professions as trend watcher, IT evangelist or neuroengineer did not tell anyone about anything. And they couldn't tell. If only because these professions did not exist before. However, even now, when specialists in new specialties are being trained in universities, even personnel agents still know little about them.

The formation of new professions occurs mainly in two areas - science and business. This happens either as a result of new scientific discoveries, or because of the invention of new ways of promoting a product to the market and doing business. One way or another, these professions are prestigious and highly paid.
New business professions
The profession of IT evangelist has nothing to do with religion, except for faith. Unlimited faith in a product of our own production in the field of information technology. Usually this is a competent technology specialist who wants not only to engage in the production of a product, but also to promote it to the market. He communicates with potential consumers through social media and blogs. Just as a real missionary instills faith in God in savages, so an IT evangelist "preaches sermons" to the lost about the merits of his brainchild. At the same time, he, as a rule, is absolutely sincere and does not deceive anyone.
The fashion trade has recently expanded with this new specialty. This is a buyer's profession. Its functions are very similar to those of a stylist and sales assistant. The buyer usually works in boutiques of fashionable and stylish clothes. He helps the buyer to choose the right product. But, besides this, the buyer monitors all modern fashion trends, is engaged in planning the procurement of goods and calculating its return on investment.
A person working in a new specialty as a coach does not stay at one job for a long time. Usually he comes in critical situations and helps the company to organize the work of its management and employees. Deals with staff rotation. Someone can be fired, and someone can be encouraged. Sometimes it can replace the whole team. In less difficult situations, he is involved in staff training.
New professions related to science
Specialists in the field of bioinformatics are in great demand now. They are also conventionally called programmers of living organisms. They only work with genes. With their help, bioinformatics create new organisms with their previously known properties. This mainly concerns the regeneration of tissues and organs.
Modern science has given birth to such a new profession as neuroengineering. These specialists are studying the methods and techniques of encoding and transmitting information from individual parts of the brain. They monitor how pathological changes affect the transmission and content of this information and study the possibility of directing these processes in the right direction with an artificial gene.
Another new specialty has appeared in the field of medicine. This is a genetic therapist. People of this profession are engaged in identifying mutating genes in humans and looking for ways to replace it with a full-fledged copy. Genetic therapists are indispensable for diagnosing early pregnancy. They often manage to identify and prevent the development of a genetic disease in an unborn child.