When planning any advertising campaign, the seller-advertiser faces the question: which advertising medium to choose? There are advertisements in the press, advertisements at the point of sale, on transport, television and radio advertisements. Information and advertising materials do not lose their relevance: catalogs, press releases, leaflets, booklets. Direct mail and direct mail have also proven their effectiveness. Marketing letter writing has its own rules.

Step 1
Sending advertising messages differs from other advertising methods in that it involves consumer response. This can be a positive answer and agreement to place an order. Another option is a request for clarifying information, a request for a personal meeting, etc. The main thing is that the reaction to the advertising letter is followed, and a dialogue ensues. Silence of the addressee is also a signal: the proposal is not interested. Thus, letters serve as a means of probing the market, a way of identifying potential buyers. What should be a sales letter so that it is not put aside, or worse, is not sent to the trash?
Step 2
It is advisable to print the text of the letter on high-quality paper on a laser printer. Even better - on letterhead with a logo. Remember, your first concern is to make memorable the recipient's first eye contact with your letter. It lasts literally a matter of seconds. During this time, the view of the reader should choose the most important thing in the message and become interested in this main thing - the important advantages of the products offered.
Step 3
Identify several key benefits of your product (service) and think about how to highlight them in the body of the letter - with font, headings or using illustrations. Be sure to draw up these positions in short paragraphs - blocks of one or two lines (long ones are read last). It has been noticed that the gaze can move spasmodically along the text of the letter. Consider this.
Step 4
The use of personal pronouns contributes to the activation of the addressee's attention to the text of the advertising message. This will give the writing a more personal touch. Addressing by name and patronymic at the beginning of the letter is also appropriate, especially if you met with the addressee, for example, at an exhibition or business meeting the day before.
Step 5
In the text of the letter, it is recommended to use verbs more often - they encourage action. It is better to use verbs in the present tense. Compare: “Today you have the opportunity to purchase our product with a 10% discount” and “You can purchase our product with a 10% discount”. The first option is preferable. This rule applies to headings as well.
Step 6
Of course, the text of an advertising letter should be written in a competent, understandable and "unspecified" language, not overloaded with professional terminology. At the same time, it will hardly be possible to avoid the classic turns of business correspondence. Be creative when using templates: they can be enlivened with “benevolent intonation”, non-standard, original words. Monotony is the enemy of advertising.