There is an opinion that the help of a coach in building a successful career is required for specialists who already have work experience (from 1 to 5 years), knowledge and skills, but do not know how to sell them correctly and at a high price in the labor market. This is certainly true. But I believe that you should think about future employment much earlier, even as a student.

It is when a young person is dynamic, open to everything new, interesting, exciting, when the load of attitudes and limiting beliefs is not yet pressing on him, it is worth thinking about the business of his life.
Usually, the process of finding a job for a graduate is as follows: either his parents "attach" him through acquaintances, or the young specialist is looking for a job himself, often not in his specialty. Sometimes young specialists lack not only professional experience, but also the ability to analyze the labor market, evaluate companies, select vacancies, and navigate the level of wages.
Yesterday's students are also unable to form an objective opinion about their own resources and opportunities: someone underestimates them too much, while someone, on the contrary, values them too highly and is surprised when they are refused employment.
When is it advisable to turn to a career coach?
In my opinion, if a student has a desire to get a really good job, and then build a brilliant career in a prestigious company, or later organize his own business, then planning to achieve these goals should start in the 4th or 5th year of the institute.
These are "golden days" for a person: there is still no fear, internal barriers, attitudes "I can not", "I will not succeed", etc. The student is interested in a lot, he is not tired of life, he is not burdened by family and household problems, loans, other obligations, do not limit difficulties with health.
On the other hand, at the age of 20-22, most young people still do not have a certain level of awareness, do not know how to correctly set goals and implement them. This is where a career coach will help them.
What is career coaching and how does it work?
Coaching is a collaboration between a coach and a client, during which the potential of the latter is unleashed. It is a process aimed at achieving goals in various areas of life, contributing to the implementation of learning and development and, therefore, to improve the competence and professional skills of the learner. It is a technology that moves the client from the realm of the problem to the realm of the most effective solution.
Career coaching is a narrower area in which the coach plays the role of a personal mentor and helps in realizing the client's career goals.
His task is to help the client decide on long-term career plans - from one to ten years, expand horizons, provide tools for self-growth, teach them to set goals and implement them.
The coach helps the client to objectively assess their own resources and make up for their lack. Also, joint work with a personal mentor allows a young person to reveal his own talents, abilities, inclinations, to realize his uniqueness, to form an answer to the question: "Why should an employer hire you?"
It is no secret that many students have rather low self-discipline. The coach, while working with the client, also performs control functions, which allows the latter to move much faster towards the set goals.
Working with a coach, students get the following opportunities:
- realize their own desires, identify talents and abilities;
- form short and long term career goals;
- draw up a step-by-step plan for their implementation;
- to acquire the necessary experience and knowledge in the desired specialty while still studying at the university;
- get competitive advantages over other applicants - graduates in the form of real work experience,
- positive recommendations, acquired skills;
- learn to analyze the labor market and position yourself correctly;
- find out the "pitfalls" and "pitfalls" of the employment process;
- expand your own horizons, learn to think "broadly and in a state way";
- realize the importance of self-discipline and self-control, get the tools to build these skills into your own personality;
- learn to take responsibility for your life and everything that happens in it.
In conclusion, I would like to add the following: the sooner the inclinations and talents of a child, adolescent, student are revealed, the more likely it will be for him to achieve significant results both in his career and in life. Do you know that over 40 years of work experience we spend 74,880 hours of our life at work? This is very, very much! If we do what we like, what happens, what we like is happiness, isn't it?
I am sure that every parent sincerely wants to see their child happy, you just need to allow it, without imposing your own ideas and attitudes, without driving them into the framework of your personal beliefs.
It is impossible to learn to fly without trying your hand, but just watching others flap their wings! It is ineffective to fly without knowing where and why!
Now, using the capabilities of the broadest information field, it has become not at all difficult to conduct self-diagnostics and determine in which field of activity you should show yourself, where you can achieve maximum success, receiving not only a good salary and a social package, but also real pleasure from work!
Elena Trigub