Disciplinary Responsibility: Labor Code Of The Russian Federation, Article 192

Disciplinary Responsibility: Labor Code Of The Russian Federation, Article 192
Disciplinary Responsibility: Labor Code Of The Russian Federation, Article 192

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation describes all types of interaction between an employee and management, including disciplinary liability. This aspect of labor is described in detail and regulated by Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - it is in it that all types of violations and measures that can be taken are indicated.

Disciplinary responsibility: Labor Code of the Russian Federation, article 192
Disciplinary responsibility: Labor Code of the Russian Federation, article 192

All workers have their own responsibilities. Penalties may be imposed on the employee for improper performance or neglect. Disciplinary liability is standardized by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely Article 192. It describes in detail the types of violations of work discipline, and the measures that are taken for each specific offense in relation to the offender. Not only managers, but also all employees of any production association, office, including the lower level, are obliged to read the article.

What can be brought to disciplinary responsibility

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly defines the types of violations, and even the smallest offenses for disciplinary action. They are divided into two types - general and special. The first type includes:

  • violations of the routine or irrational use of working time - absenteeism, frequent absence and tardiness,
  • features of the operation of machinery and equipment, which led to their damage, non-observance of safety measures,
  • disregard for the rules prescribed in the charter of a particular organization, company, production association,
  • immoral acts - appearing at the workplace drunk, and sometimes - untidy, disrespectful attitude towards others.

Special requirements are put forward by the management, are described in the contract concluded with the employee and in his service instructions, which are individual for each employee. An example is reminders for guards, workers in hazardous industries, requirements for non-disclosure of certain data about the place of work, the technologies used and even the recipe.

Types of disciplinary sanctions under article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The application of disciplinary sanctions to an employee (employee) is allowed in case of violation of labor rules, instructions or norms of a general and special nature. According to Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following types of penalties (punishment) can be applied:

  • a remark, usually orally - used in the case of a first or minor violation,
  • a reprimand - can be oral and handed down in person or at a general meeting, written - with entry into the employee's personal file and work book,
  • dismissal - its grounds must comply with the Labor Code and be included in the order of dismissal, with the issuance of a copy to the employee.

Before taking disciplinary action such as a written reprimand or dismissal, management must require the employee to provide a written explanation of the violation. An explanatory note is considered at a general meeting or by a manager in the presence of the offending employee. If the explanations are adequate and justify the action, then a more lenient measure is applied.

In the case when the employee refuses to give explanations, cannot provide intelligible arguments, he can be punished with dismissal or a written reprimand, a monetary penalty. It is important to understand that the measures taken in relation to the employee must comply with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the comments to it.
