Who Is A Dependent

Who Is A Dependent
Who Is A Dependent

The word dependent has become firmly established and rooted in the modern language of the inhabitants. The concept of a dependent is often understood as persons representing a burden, in other words, freeloaders. However, this meaning is not entirely correct, because from a legal point of view, the interpretation of the concept is somewhat different.

Who is a dependent
Who is a dependent

The concept of dependent, of course, has some negative connotation in the language. Often, dependents are called irresponsible people who prefer to live at the expense of other, more conscientious citizens, in other words, we are talking about parasites, but those who simply do not have the opportunity to work and get food on their own fall into the group of dependents.

From a legal point of view

From the point of view of the law, the category of dependents includes grandchildren, and parents, and grandmothers and grandfathers and even stepdaughters and stepfathers, as well as young children, in a word, all those who cannot support themselves, and therefore are provided for by another family member. or group.

The financial support that is assigned to people accepted into the status of a dependent is often called alimony. Dependents are divided in two main areas: persons who are included in the group because of their age or because of their poor health. Dependents can be kept in the status of the state and a particular person.

The antonym of the word "dependent" is the phrase "working (able-bodied) population". However, not all unemployed, but those belonging to the category of able-bodied citizens, have the right to be dependent, often the fact of such a right must be proved in court, giving weighty arguments.

Children are in a special position from the legislative point of view, they are recognized as dependents without any evidence base until they reach the age of majority.

Provision and support measures

Dependents are people who are eligible for defined pensions, death compensation and other benefits and benefits. The maintenance received by the dependent is for him the main source of his income, while the funds paid by the breadwinner are the amount without which the dependent cannot exist.

In order to substantiate your rights to material assistance, established based on the fact of dependence, it is not necessary to live with your official breadwinner. Such a category as brothers, sisters, grandchildren and granddaughters are recognized as dependents and need constant guardianship only if they have officially recognized disabled or incapacitated parents.

Grandparents who have reached retirement age or have a disability are recognized as dependents of their grandchildren only if they do not have relatives who, according to the law, are obliged to provide them with maintenance. Interestingly, the law equates dependents with the heirs of the main priority in the event of the loss of the main breadwinner, even if the dependent was never directly related to the deceased. For example, an adopted child is legally regarded as an heir on the same level as the parent of the testator.