After a divorce, many people for a long time cannot decide who will get the apartment. Contact lawyers who know all the subtleties and nuances of domestic housing legislation. They will advise you on the solution to the problem. However, you still strive to solve the housing problem amicably, that is, peacefully. Thus, you will not only save time and nerves, but also money spent on litigation.

Step 1
Before going to court, clarify who owned the apartment at the time of marriage. If she was registered with her husband, then you are unlikely to be able to evict your ex-husband from the apartment. If the apartment is your property, then the question of how to evict your husband will be decided by itself.
Step 2
Things are much more complicated if you bought an apartment together. In this case, it will hardly be possible to do without litigation. If you want to decide on your own how to evict your ex-husband, then read the required amount of legal literature and familiarize yourself with the relevant articles of the constitution of the Russian Federation. After that, you will be able to defend yourself in court on your own, if it comes to him.
Step 3
Try to convince your husband to volunteer to move out of the apartment, or at least pay a certain rent. If he refuses to sign a lease agreement, file a lawsuit with the appropriate law enforcement agencies, which will take all necessary measures to severely punish the offender. Be sympathetic to your ex-spouse's dissatisfaction. Indeed, if he has nowhere else to live, he by hook or by crook will try to keep his place of residence.
Step 4
If you have a long litigation ahead, prepare a certain amount of money that you will spend on various paperwork. The services of a lawyer, if you yourself are not familiar with the law, will also cost you a pretty penny. In the domestic market, there are many law firms that know how to evict a husband from an apartment on absolutely legal grounds. Turn to real professionals in your field, and you will not have to waste your nerves and efforts on an independent solution to this delicate issue. If your ex-spouse still has a chance to stay in your apartment, mentally prepare yourself for lengthy and costly litigation, which may or may not end in your favor.