Men often ask lawyers how not to pay alimony, to which we, lawyers, really want to answer that there is no way! Parents are obliged by family law to support their children until the age of majority, even in cases where the parent is deprived of their parental rights. Thus, it will not work out in any way not to pay alimony. But on the other hand, there are several legal ways by which you can reduce the amount of alimony.

How not to pay child support?
Men often ask lawyers how not to pay alimony, for which we, the lawyers of LLC "Letter of the Law" (, really want to answer that there is no way! Parents are obliged by family law to support their children until the age of majority, even in cases where the parent will be deprived of their parental rights. Thus, it will not work out in any way not to pay alimony. But on the other hand, there are several ways by which you can reduce the amount of alimony.
Reducing the amount of alimony: 1 way
If a man gets another child in his next marriage, then his new wife can go to court to collect alimony from her husband, allegedly she does not see her husband at home and he does not give money at all for the maintenance of his child. But these words will certainly have to be proven in court, and testimony will be needed. Thus, if a man has as many as two court decisions on the recovery of alimony for his children, then he can, with a clear conscience, apply to the court with a request to reduce the percentage of alimony to 33%. Thus, alimony for a child from his first marriage will have to be paid not 25%, but 16% of his monthly income.
Reducing the amount of alimony: way 2
In the event that a man has, in addition to his child, to whom he is obliged to pay alimony, dependents, the Russian court also meets halfway and can reduce the amount of alimony. Such dependents are elderly parents or even a spouse who is unable to work. In this method, there is no clear guarantee of how much the court will reduce the amount of the alimony paid. This will be at the discretion of the court.
Reducing the amount of alimony: 3 way
If the child's father's monthly income has decreased, or, on the contrary, the child has his own income, if, for example, at the age of sixteen he got a job under an employment contract. Please note that the mother's income does not affect the amount of the father's support. That is, if the mother earns very well, this fact cannot relieve the child's father of the obligation to support the child.
If you are filing a claim for a reduction in alimony, then you need to confirm your request with any documents. This may be your permanent disability (disability of the 1st or 2nd group).
Father's very high income, from which the alimony will be large, i.e. significantly exceeding the needs of a minor child, can also serve as an option to reduce the amount of alimony.
Alimony in firm cash
Many men agree with their ex-spouse that they will pay a lump sum alimony in a fixed amount. I would like to warn the alimony workers against this alimony payment scheme. This is all because the court will not be able to determine all the needs of the child at once, i.e. ahead for many years. Probably, your ex-spouse will still file for alimony in the future - and she will win the lawsuit, because you always need to feed and clothe the child, and in fact inflation will exist constantly. The payment of alimony at a time can be useful for the alimony only if the ex-wife and child leave for permanent residence abroad.