Knowing what constitutes the cost of consulting a lawyer, you can estimate the approximate amount that will have to be spent even before contacting a lawyer. With this information, you can reasonably achieve an objective price or save money when applying for legal assistance.

Step 1
The branch of law to which your problem belongs. For example, issues related to criminal law always cost more because customers are willing to pay more here, because freedom is at stake. Also, the high cost of criminal matters is justified by greater emotionality and responsibility.
Step 2
The amount of the claim. The higher the amount of the claim, the greater the amount of the lawyer's fee.
Step 3
The reputation of a lawyer. The more famous and influential a specialist is, or the more people can recommend him, the more expensive his services will cost.
Step 4
Age of the lawyer. Very often you can find such dependence - the younger the lawyer, the cheaper his services.
Step 5
The complexity of the issue at hand. Here the price depends on the amount of work expended, time and effort. Accordingly, the more complicated the case, the more expensive the prices will be.
Step 6
Additional specialists. The cost of legal services also depends on the involved additional lawyers, experts, translators, couriers, etc.
Step 7
The financial viability of the client himself. When setting the cost for services, this factor also plays a role, and this applies to both individuals and legal entities.
Step 8
Urgency. The sooner you need to start solving the issue or the sooner you need to bring it to the end, the more expensive the services of a specialist will cost.
Step 9
Experience and qualifications of a lawyer. There is a controversial point here. After all, as a rule, the higher the price for services, the better they are. However, it also happens that the price is unfairly overstated and the specialist "just needs money."
Step 10
Location of the provision of legal services. Obviously, in large cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, and regional centers, the cost of legal assistance will be much more expensive.
Step 11
Psychological qualities of a lawyer. This includes the personal characteristics of a specialist as a person: greed, greed, intransigence, a desire to increase the price, etc.
Step 12
Financial position of a lawyer. For example, if a specialist plans to buy a new car or apartment, he is unlikely to provide cheap services.
Step 13
Other circumstances. This is the general and current workload, the complexity of interaction with the client, etc.