Lawyers are often praised, but even more often scolded. Sometimes they get themselves a bunch of things that they cannot physically cope with and fail them. Experienced professionals give simple things to their young assistants who, due to inexperience, cannot cope with the work, in this case the client gets an unsatisfactory result. How do you complain about a lawyer?

In judicial practice, there is such a case when the plaintiff does not have a lawyer, he defends himself. The defendant's lawyer begins to feel superior, behave arrogantly and even boorishly. If this happens, try to petition for the removal of such a defense attorney from the courthouse, citing his behavior.
You can always complain about an unscrupulous lawyer. The complaint is filed at the place of work of this lawyer, or you can file a complaint with the regional qualification commission. In serious cases, you can go to the Ministry of Jurisdiction for a specific constituent entity of the Federation, which controls advocacy in this region.
The complaint is submitted in writing: it needs to state the essence, and also indicate the number of the lawyer in a special register, this number can be found on a specialized website. It so happens that the actions of a lawyer can be qualified according to the Criminal Code, then you can go directly to the prosecutor's office.
It is important to have concrete evidence of guilt. If the letter does not set out specific facts and evidence, then you risk that the lawyer will file a counterclaim to protect their own dignity. Remember that you are dealing with a lawyer who knows the laws. Therefore, a complaint against a lawyer, especially if you are filing a claim with the prosecutor's office, must be substantiated, reasoned and carefully thought out.