Unfortunately, not all married couples can live happily ever after. Sometimes a marriage ends in divorce, from which one wants to get out with minimal losses, material and moral. However, not everyone succeeds. Often men, even if they dominated the family, do not know how to divorce their wife so as not to make an enemy for themselves.

Marriage certificate
Step 1
Talk to your wife, let her know about your desire to divorce. Explain the reasons, calmly ask her opinion on this issue. If the consent to divorce is mutual, you just need to come to the local registry office with your spouse and apply for a divorce. In a month (this period is given for reflection) stamps on divorce will appear in the passports.
Step 2
If your wife strongly disagrees with the divorce, you can go through the procedure in court. Please note that both spouses or their representatives (lawyers) must appear at the hearing with a notarized power of attorney. The exception is when the spouse is listed as missing. But in this case, the court will independently search for the defendant, that is, your legal wife.
Step 3
If your wife is recognized as completely incapacitated, the court will divorce you unilaterally, the consent of your spouse is not required. However, if the wife is only partially incapacitated, this rule does not apply.