Modern environmental standards and principles of respect for the environment dictate the need for state regulation of industries related to processing and disposal. A large segment of this field of activity is associated with the destruction of vehicles that have served their time. The main regulation in this area is the bill on recycling fees.

The purpose of the bill on scrappage fee is to establish a legal framework to ensure the effective development of industrial infrastructure in Russia for the scrapping of vehicles and their components. The bill prepares the legal framework and sets standards for the recycling of vehicles of categories M and N. These include both cars and trucks, as well as buses.
As the main means of ensuring the development and functioning of the industry for the safe disposal of vehicles, the bill provides for the introduction of special fees. They apply both to cars produced in the Russian Federation and to cars imported into its territory. The fee is levied once from an individual or legal entity that introduces a vehicle into civilian circulation.
All recycling fees must be paid to the federal budget. Further, the accumulated funds will form the basis for financing processing enterprises, and will also serve to compensate for various costs associated with the utilization of vehicles. In other words, the bill is not literally an act aimed only at replenishing the budget, since it also stipulates the expenditure obligations of the state to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs running a recycling business.
It is assumed that the amount of the recycling fee will vary depending on the various parameters of the vehicle being put into circulation. First of all, it will depend on the engine size and the class of the car. There are also much higher base rates applicable to used foreign cars.
The bill on recycling fee consists of a number of amendments, mainly concerning the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”. But it also touches on other legislative acts aimed at regulating the norms of disposal. The bill was adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the first reading. The date of its entry into force is August 1, 2012.