Is There A Right To A Deferral From The Army Because Of A Child

Is There A Right To A Deferral From The Army Because Of A Child
Is There A Right To A Deferral From The Army Because Of A Child

The legislation on conscription provides several grounds for granting an extension to a conscript with a child. However, it is not enough to have an only child to obtain a grace period, as one of the additional conditions specified in the law must be met.

Is there a right to a deferral from the army because of a child
Is there a right to a deferral from the army because of a child

A closed list of grounds for granting a deferral from conscription into the army is determined by a special federal law. Family circumstances associated with the presence of a minor child are recognized as one of such grounds only if there are additional factors. As a general rule, a deferral is granted only to those conscripts who have two or more children at the time of the decision on conscription. In this case, the postponement means the actual release from the army, because after a while the conscript overcomes the maximum draft age limit and receives a military ID.

Additional grounds for granting a grace period in the presence of a child

In addition to the named case, a deferral in the presence of a child is provided to a conscript upon detection of one of the following confirmed groups of factors:

1) an only child, subject to his upbringing without a mother;

2) the only child who is disabled and his age is less than three years;

3) an only child and a pregnant wife whose gestation period is twenty-six weeks or more;

4) a minor sibling, sibling, for whom the conscript is a guardian, and there are no other persons obliged to support the child.

How is a grace period granted when having a child?

If a conscript intends to receive a respite from the army on grounds related to the presence of a child, then he should prepare documents in advance for submission to the draft board. As confirmation of the above circumstances, birth certificates, documents from the registry office, certificates from social protection authorities and medical documents are accepted.

After receiving the summons, you should appear at the appointed time at the military commissariat, undergo a medical examination, and present the prepared documents to the responsible employee. You should not avoid appearing at the military commissariat or refuse to undergo medical specialists, since this can significantly complicate the procedure for officially obtaining a deferral. The result should be the adoption of a decision on the granting of a deferment, which the chairman of the draft board verbally announces to the conscript. If you wish, you can get an extract from the decision and make an appropriate note in the attribution certificate.
