Any unauthorized building must be legalized as soon as possible. In Russian legislation, there are two ways of registration. In the first case - when this site has all the documents of title and it is privatized. In the second - when they are not. In the latter version, this procedure is rather complicated, but in the end, any building will be fully legalized.

Step 1
Submit the documents for the plot of land to the registration chamber, as well as a certificate stating that the desired building is located inside it. Take this document in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. Then fill out the declaration. In accordance with Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a structure can be registered only when the site is privately owned or leased. However, only those buildings are subject to this, which are located within the city limits, and not in a reserved or nature conservation area.
Step 2
Contact the judicial authorities if there are no title documents for this site. At this stage, the difficulty will be in collecting all the necessary papers, since the validity of each certificate is limited in time, and each subsequent one is issued on the basis of the previous one. It is necessary to submit a document confirming that the site where the building is located has been allocated legally. In addition, the court must provide a paper confirming the ownership of the building, an extract from the house book, the BTI plan, a personal account, a technical opinion, an act of the boundaries of the site, a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection.
Step 3
Draw up and file a statement of claim with the district court. The plaintiff is the owner, the defendant is the city or district administration, third parties are those who are registered at the address indicated in the application. Make copies of all documents including the application and taking into account the number of persons involved in the case. Pay the state fee, take all the necessary details in court. Attach the original receipt to the statement of claim. Documents can be sent by mail with acknowledgment of receipt, or taken to court in person.
Step 4
Confirm your claims at a preliminary meeting with a judge. Then a court hearing will be scheduled, to which you will be summoned. It should be borne in mind that if the cost of the building is less than 100 thousand rubles, then the case will be considered by the judge of the local site, otherwise - in the district court. After the decision comes into force, it is necessary to contact the Federal Registration Service in order to legalize the necessary building.